
Greetings from space!

2018-11-09 16:46:19


What a time to be alive! Our humble heart-shaped logo is now orbiting the Earth! A satellite called てんこう, which has been developed in the Tanegashima Space Centre in Japan has been launched into space on October the 29th. At 13:08 JST sharp, the satellite, which is bearing a plaque adorned with the logo of the Great Orchestra of the Christmas Charity Foundation was taken into the orbit by the H-IIA rocket. The satellite is currently orbiting the Earth, fulfilling its research mission. 


Maybe, if you look into the sky at night, you will be able to spot the fast-moving little satellite, which, thanks to Alek, the mastermind and scientist behind the project, takes our idea of a charitable initiative to space! The engineer remembers that he'd had the idea to celebrate our charity while speaking with his father and he has since worked very hard to build a satellite. The device, which weighs 23 kilograms, took a year and a half to design and construct. 


fot. Alek


Check the location of the satellite! 


fot. Alek


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