the Festival
Peace Patrol

Become a member of Peace Patrol!

2017-10-30 16:34:31

Peace Patrol training course is the first step on a road to a life-long adventure and involvement in the mission and initiatives undertaken by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation. Members of the Peace Patrol are taking up different roles and responsibilities during Woodstock Festival Poland and are involved in the organisation of different events - both those held by the Foundation and other undertakings we try to support and endorse. 



Before you don the trademark red Peace Patrol t-shirt, you are required to attend a weekend training course, where you will learn all you need to know to look after the revellers at one of the largest music festivals in Europe. You will learn first aid, CPR and get to know the basic rules and regulations of Health and Safety provisions applicable at the festival site. There's not a dull moment at Szadowo-Młyn because we also offer team-building and survival exercises to round up this intensive weekend training course. 

If it sounds right up your street and you are eager to meet new people, learn new things, and experience something new - fill in an online form available at and join us at Szadowo-Młyn! 



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