Grand Finale

Ambulance for Białystok children's hospital

2019-01-04 16:42:53


Our goal is to change the conditions at public hospitals in Poland and we celebrate each opportunity that allows us to support the hardworking medical staff. When thinking about a hospital, we often imagine wards, operation theatres, beds, doctors, nurses, and specialist devices while we forget about an essential element ensuring smooth work of the hospital - modern and fully equipped ambulance. We were able to donate 32 modern emergency vehicles to different children's hospitals in the country.


The ambulance donated to Białystok facility is the first major item bought by the charity in 2019. Białystok hospital is the biggest medical facility in the region, offering specialist treatment to children and youngsters, treating 20 000 patients a year. The ambulance, donated by the charity will be the first emergency vehicle owned by the hospital - patients used to be transported by private contractors. 

The ambulance, which is fully equipped and covered by car insurance for the entire year, is worth over 500 000 PLN, but it's really a small price to pay for the fact that children, even in very serious condition, can be brought to the hospital to receive help. 

Dyrektor UDSK, prof. dr hab. Anna Wasilewska odebrała kluczyki do nowoczesnej karetki.

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