Grand Finale

DRONES Poland will record "Light to the Heavens"

2017-01-12 21:30:24

"Light to the Heavens" attracting good angels is a well loved tradition of the Grand Finale attracting thousends to the Palace of Culture and Science. 

During the 25th Grand Finale it will be recorded by the volunteers from the facebook group DRONES Polska   - playing with us for the first time!

DRONES is the group of the drone enthusiast from all over the country from beginners to fully qualified & licensed professional operators. They will be recordingthe display in the number of Polish towns and cities. 

Those guys had a good go at the aerial recording on New Year's Eve and you can see their 4k film here.

You'll be able to see fruits of their labour as soon as Monday January 16th - just a day after the Grand Finale! 


You can join this exciting group here



Drones Polska

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