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World First Aid Day

Celebrating World First Aid Day

Imagine that you are on your way to work, rushing through a crowded train station, or walking around a shopping centre, when a kid approaches you and asks “Would you like to learn first aid?”. What would you do? Stop and learn, of course! In 2013, we decided to celebrate World First Aid Day and put our own spin on it. We decided to show the public how easy and fun learning CPR can actually be. We set up little stalls in cities across Poland, where we aimed to offer quick introductory lessons on CPR. But rather than have adults teaching adults, we invited school children, who have been taught how to do CPR at schools participating in our educational programme, to be the instructors. Adults were amazed at how professional and put together our youngest instructors proved to be! And after all, learning first aid can be a child's play, regardless of how old you actually are! 



2024-10-24 00:15:51

100 Collection Centres already on board!

Just days after opening registrations, 467 Collection Centres have signed up to participate in the 33rd Grand Finale fundraiser organised by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, with 100 centres already confirmed! Registration for Collection Centres will remain open until 18 November 2024, and the number of volunteers continues to grow. On 26 January 2025, we will unite to support paediatric oncology and hematology.