During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN

Bakeries support the 32nd Grand Finale!

The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and Lubaszka Sp. z o.o. bakeries were encouraging all the bakeries in Poland to join the action “Dobra bułka zdrowiu służy” [Eng. “A roll a day keeps a doctor away”]. The initiative was organised as a happening, an event during which the bakeries could support the objective of the 32nd Grand Finale by donating the total sales revenue from selling a roll called “Finałówka” [Eng. “a Grand Finale roll”], prepared according to the recipe by a Warsaw based bakery - Lubaszka. 


We play together! Deliciously! Bakeries are joining our action! They have been with us for years, baking wonderful cakes, cookies and preparing unique sweet recipes to celebrate special occassions. Last year, bakers from a well-known and super-tasty bakery - Lubaszka, came up with an idea to support the Grand Finale with a special roll - a roll baked according to an original recipe, designed specially for the ocassion. Our Staff at the Foundation have tasted it... And we simply love it! It will be out for sale between 18 December 2023 and 10 February 2024 and cost PLN 2. The total sales revenue from selling the roll will be donated to support the objective of the 32nd Grand Finale. We call the roll the "Grand Finale roll" making it part of our Orchestra's 32nd Grand Finale story, wrapping it up with our colours and symbols. May the taste of our "Grand Finale rolls" be the taste of joy, friendship, music, and everything that our fundraiser, our common initiative, uniting people in Poland and around the world, stands for! A "Grand Finale roll" is a taste of solidarity with all those who may need our help. Bon apetit! And remember - we play with joy! - Jurek Owsiak 


Supporting the objective of the 32nd Grand Finale! Buy yourself a tasty roll! 

The “Grand Finale roll” is special not only because of its motto, but also because of its ingredients. It is a low-carb, high-protein bread roll which was sold between 18 December 2023 – 10 February 2024.
You could find the rolls at different bakeries which decided to join the action and were listed on the GOCC Foundation website (below). The total sales revenue from selling the roll – PLN 2 gross – was donated to support the objective of the Grand Finale organised under the theme: “Post-pandemic lungs. We play for kids and adults alike!”. 

If you have any further questions, please contact us at: [email protected]

The Rules and Regulations of this nationwide action “A roll a day keeps a doctor away” before the 32nd Grand Finale is available in Polish.



Bakeries involved in the project:


In the first edition of the “A roll a day keeps a doctor away” campaign, together with the Lubaszka bakery, 7 smaller, local bakeries took part, and the result exceeded our wildest expectations! A total of 45,855 rolls were sold for a total of PLN 91,710! The entire amount was donated to the 31st GOCC Grand Finale's goal, namely the fight against sepsis!

2024-06-26 14:26:30

We’re off on a shopping spree on Monday!

The 32nd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC) was dedicated to acquiring equipment for diagnosing, monitoring, and rehabilitating patients in pulmonology wards – catering to both children and adults. Just under five months after the campaign ended, we are ready to make our first purchases of equipment.