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the Festival
Grand Finale

The GOCC in foreign media

2024-06-12 11:40:00

Reflecting on the past few months, we are filled with immense happiness and pride. Together with you, our dedicated volunteers, we have achieved so much. It is equally gratifying to see our efforts recognised beyond Poland’s borders.


The 31st Grand Finale TV studio, photo: Łukasz Widziszowski


The Orchestra: A Household Name


In an article for Anadolu Agency, Jo Harper highlights the phenomenon of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC). He underscores the resilience and determination with which the organisation has supported Polish healthcare for over 30 years, despite facing numerous challenges. Harper notes that it is estimated one in five pieces of equipment in Polish hospitals has been provided by the GOCC Foundation.


The official ending of the 31st Grand Finale fundraiser, photo: Łukasz Widziszowski


Global Recognition of Our Volunteers


Our fantastic volunteers also caught the attention of foreign media. Each year, they energise their local communities in support of the GOCC’s goals. Media outlets in the Netherlands and Ireland (here & here) have praised the proactive spirit of everyone involved in the Orchestra’s activities.


Volunteers of the 31st Grand Finale, photo: Marcin Zieliński


Spotlight on Pol'and'Rock Festival


The World's Most Beautiful Festival, Pol'and'Rock Festival, consistently garners the most attention from international journalists. This event has been frequently listed among the largest music festivals in Europe and the world. Publications like Metro, Let's Roam, Ticket Fairy, Skiddle, and TheFestivals have all written about our festival.


The Main Stage at the 29th Pol'and'Rock Festival, photo: Lucyna Lewandowska


A standout moment for the Foundation and our community was an article by Maeve Campbell in The Guardian. The article featured eight European festivals organised by non-profits with a higher purpose. We are thrilled that Pol'and'Rock Festival was recognised as one of these exceptional events. It’s a joy to know that, along with the Most Beautiful Audience in the World, we can create such a remarkable event.


29th Pol'and'Rock Festival, photo: Marcin Zieliński


Thank You for Your Support


We are grateful for the many wonderful messages we receive, even from far corners of the globe! There is no doubt that the Orchestra, with this incredible team, will continue to perform in harmony, just as it always has.


The landscape of Warsaw and the 31st Grand Finale TV studio, photo: Łukasz Widziszowski


Thank you for being part of this journey!


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