During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
Grand Finale

To the world's ends and one step beyond!

2024-01-28 16:00:00

Together with the GOCC to the world's ends and one step beyond! The Collection Centers all over the world play during the 32nd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity with us! This year, as many as 100 foreign Collection Centers in 23 countries are organizing the 32nd GOCC Grand Finale outside Poland! 


The whole world plays with the GOCC!


There are no geographic borders that would stop the Orchestra from playing. The GOCC volunteers donate not only in towns or villages but also on islands, in the mountains, or even at the seaside! No matter where it takes place – every Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is unique and always colorful gathering good people together! We play in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and North America. The GOCC has even reached the Antarctic Station!




Discover how the Orchestra plays around the world


This year, the International Collection Centres abroad prepared the "International Collection Centres Anthem"– enjoy these wonderful sounds!





In London people with warm hearts for support, the 32nd Grand Finale had already enjoyed the rumba dance and bicycle ride yesterday and fundraising for the Orchestra.





More than 200 km from London – in Liverpool, the GOCC volunteers enjoy hiking in the mountains, and this year decided to take the Collection Box to the UK's beautiful peaks. See the below picture of these smiling people spreading goodness!



Collection Box on the peak of Scafell Pike, photo by Collection Centre Liverpool



The GOCC volunteers, photo by Collection Centre Liverpool




In Tokyo, at the Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, you will find international students. And in Spain today there is a tour of the sights of sunny Girona!



The GOCC volunteers pick up 160 donuts in Tokyo, photo by the Collection Centre in Tokyo



The GOCC volunteers Girona Spain, photo by Collection Centre Girona




The eastern part of the world already completed the Grand Finale charity activities!


One part of the Grand Finale has already come to a successful completion! This year, the Polish community in Australia had a lot of interesting attractions, like dancing the rumba at the Polish Club in Ashfield! 



The GOCC Volunteers Sydney, photo by Collection Centre Sydney




The Orchestra played not only in Sydney! Check out the colourful Grand Finale at the Melbourne Collection Centre!



The GOCC volunteer in Melbourne, photo by Collection Centre Melbourne




The GOCC volunteers in Melbourne, photo by Collection Centre Melbourne




There is no lack of the GOCC charity events in Croatia this year either! The activities of the Grand Finale have already been held in Rijeka and Split, and today the Orchestra is playing in beautiful Zagreb!



The GOCC Volunteers Croatia, photo by Collection Centre Zagreb




Don’t miss auctions abroad on the Allegro platform!  


You can bid on items from abroad including musical items such as a vinyl record by Kora (Barcelona, Spain), an autographed set of Going Back by Phil Collins vinyl records (Exeter, UK), or even unique trainers with a hand-painted image and autograph by Agnieszka Chylińska (Redditch, UK).


And finally, what do you think about a whole day at the European Parliament and an overnight stay in Brussels for 2 people? Or a golf lesson with Omena Mensah in Marbella, followed by lunch together? Sound interesting? You can find more auctions on our website



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