During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
Media Centre

For the Media

Our Press Officer, Aleksandra Rutkowska, is available at email address [email protected]. You can also call her at +48 695 870 020

In order to get in touch with Jurek Owsiak, you have to contact the Press Office first. 

In order to stay up to date with the activities of the GOCC foundation, get press accreditation for events held by the foundation, or download hi-res pictures, please register your account in our Media Base:  www.media.wosp.org.pl

You can also follow our newsroom for updates from the Great Orchestra of Christmas of Charity Foundation and Pol'and'Rock Festival. 



2024-06-26 14:26:30

We’re off on a shopping spree on Monday!

The 32nd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC) was dedicated to acquiring equipment for diagnosing, monitoring, and rehabilitating patients in pulmonology wards – catering to both children and adults. Just under five months after the campaign ended, we are ready to make our first purchases of equipment.