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Questions about Peace Patrol answered!

Peace Patrol Training
  • Where does the training course take place and how to get there?

    The course takes place in a tiny village of Szadowo-Młyn, located near the town of Kwidzyn. In order to make getting to the venue a bit easier for our future volunteers, we begin each course in Malbork. 

  • How long does the training course take?

    Mark your weekend! The course begins on Friday at 9 am and we finish it on Sunday at noon. 

  • How much does it cost?

     The entire cost of the training course amounts to 750 PLN and it is covered by the organiser. However, the participants are required to participate in the costs - a donation 100 PLN is mandatory. 

  • What to pack?

    First of all - the best option is to pack a backpack. There will be some hiking and trekking activities, so lugging a suitcase might prove to be very uncomfortable. Remember to pack according to the weather forecast and bear in mind that you will be outside in the elements a lot, so comfortable and durable shoes are a must! 

  • Do I need to bring my own food?

    No! We provide you with breakfast, dinner, and supper, which are available in a vegetarian version as well. We are unfortunately unable to serve vegan or gluten-free meals during the training. 

  • Where do trainees lodge?

    Lodging depends on a number of participants we host - either on site in our training centre or in other venues. Weather permitting we sometimes camp. 

  • Do I need to take any documents?

    Yes - take your national ID card or your student ID. 

  • Are there any formal requirements I need to take care of before the course?

    First of all, register your participation on our website: www.patrol.wosp.org.pl where you will be asked to fill in an online form and attach your ID photo there as well. 

  • What exactly are we going to be doing at the course?

    The main objective of the course to prepare the participants for their work at Pol'and'Rock Festival. We focus on first aid training and team-building activities as to ensure that you know how to react when faced with unusual situations. The participants are also instructed on fire safety and other procedures essential to working at a mass event (under the Polish law). 

  • Are there any obligations stemming from my participation in the course?

    We expect you to help us organise the following edition of Pol'and'Rock Festival. 

  • Will I receive any sort of certification of participation in the training?

    You receive 3 documents which serve to certify your first aid training, volunteer & team-building training, and mass event organisation course. 

Grand Finale
  • How is our work organised during the Grand Finale?

    We are divided into teams, similarly to the work at Woodstock Poland you report to your team leader. Key to the success is punctuality because we work according to a set schedule. 

  • What are the tasks during the Grand Finale?

    Each team works according to schedule to fulfil a certain task, like supporting the staff at the shop, help at the auction centre or working as stewards at the open air concert. 

  • When do we begin work at the Grand Finale?

    Even though we fundraise for one day only - customary first Sunday of January - the activities connected with the Grand Finale begin on Saturday. Some of our team arrive on Friday, with the majority of people joining us in Warsaw on Saturday. We begin our work early in the morning on Sunday. 

  • When do we finish work?

    We end our work after the transmission is finished and some of the equipment is packed - roughly past midnight. 

  • When's the briefing ?

    We all meet for a briefing on Saturday, a day before the intensive work at the day of the Grand Finale. 

  • Any tips on how to get to Warsaw?

    This year, during the Grand Finale we have been supported by Polski Bus and we were able to provide the members of Peace Patrol, who were travelling to work at the Grand Finale in Warsaw with free rides! 

    You can reach Warsaw by train, by plane, or by car. 

  • What to pack?

    You can't forget your red t-shirt - it's our work uniform! Remember that it can get cold in January, so you should pack layers. 

  • What does the organiser provide the members of the Peace Patrol with?

    The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation is able to provide accommodation to 250 people. The organiser makes sure that the members of the Peace Patrol have insurance and are served meals. 

Pol'and'Rock Festival
  • When do volunteers arrive at the festival field and when do they leave?

    Our volunteers - the members of the Peace Patrol arrive at the festival grounds on the afternoon of Monday, 27th July. A briefing with Jurek takes place in the evening (at around 8 pm) and then we begin our work according to the schedule. 

    As soon as you arrive on the festival grounds get in touch with your team leader - they will pass all important information to you. You can also seek information from the Peace Patrol Information Point which is located just behind the Main Stage. 

    The work of the members of the Peace Patrol ends on  August the 2nd, a day after the festival wraps up. After we pack and tidy our campsites we all meet for a campfire festivities. 

  • How to sign for Peace Patrol team?

    At the festival, the members of the Peace Patrol are organised into teams, with their own team leader. You can sign for a particular team via our online platform www.patrol.wosp.org.pl

  • Why are we divided into teams?

    The Peace Patrol volunteers are divided into teams with their own team leader. Teams work together in groups of three (the so-called Triads), which makes the flow of information and decision process much easier once everyone is on site. Each group consists of 15 to 20 people, who report to their leader, who in turn, reports to the Triad leader. 

  • What to pack?

    You have to bear in mind that the majority of your activities will take place outside. You will also be camping, so you should be prepared to brave very different weather conditions. From rain to extreme heat - you need to be prepared! 

    Essential include all sort of camping gear, waterproof clothes, sunscreen, hat, and all sorts of insect repellents. Remember about a change of shoes and some flipflops!  If you need to take medicine - make sure to pack plenty. Even if you don't need to take medication regularly take some basic painkillers or stomach drops. Remember to pack your red t-shirt, because it is our official working uniform! 

  • Where do the members of Peace Patrol sleep?

    We camp! There are two huge, secure campsites just for the members of the Peace Patrol. There is running water, electricity, hot water available at the campsites. 

    In order to enter these areas, you have to be a member of Peace Patrol - wear your t-shirt and ID card. 

  • Can my partner spend the night at one of the Peace Patrol campsites?

    Unfortunately, it's not possible because the campsite is for members of the Peace Patrol and organisers of the festival. 

  • What about the food?

    The organiser of the festival, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation, provides catering at the festival. There are 3 meals a day - breakfast, dinner, and supper served to the members of the Peace Patrol. 

  • How much down time have we got?

    The teams operate according to a strict schedule, so you can't really be sure how much down time you will get between your shifts. Remember that you are never entirely off duty for the duration of the festival! 

  • Are the the Peace Patrol volunteers allowed to watch concerts?

    Yes, provided that your schedule permits you to do so. You can't leave your post to see a concert, and it is up to your leader to decide if he or she can spare you for the duration of the show. Remember - you still should wear a Peace Patrol t-shirt! 

  • What are the tasks at the festival entry gates?

    Before the festival begins vehicles can freely enter the grounds of the festival. We need to make sure that the cars move with care. A few days ahead of the festival, the roads are closed and traffic is limited to the organiser's vehicles. You need to make sure that only the authorised cars enter the festival field. 

  • Can we drive into town during the festival?

    No, because for security reasons there is a strict ban on car traffic on the festival grounds. 

  • Can I donate blood at the festival?

    No. The members of Peace Patrol have too much work and not enough sleep to be fit to donate blood - we can't risk your health! 

  • What to do when we find out that someone is unconscious?

    First of all, you have to inform a team leader about it - it doesn't have to be your team leader. You need to make sure if the person is really unconscious. If necessary, provide first aid and secure the area. The leader will make the decision whether or not call the medics. 

    If you can't reach your or any other team leader - get in touch with medics. If there are no medics on site you should get in touch with the Command Centre. The team there will be able to advise accordingly. 

  • How to handle an agitated and nervous festival goer?

    We are all members of Peace Patrol and peace and calm should be our key response to an agitated festival goer. You can try talking to the person and finding out why they are so upset. 

    If you can't solve the issue there and then, get in touch with your team leader. They will proceed accordingly - either continue talking to the person or getting in touch with the appropriate services - medical or security. 

    Remember that the Peace Patrol members act like stewards at the festival and should never use force! 

  • What to do when we see an emergency vehicle making its way across the festival field?

    We try our best to help the emergency vehicles (medical quads, for example) pass through the crowd. Warn people about it and make sure that the emergency vehicle can make its way safely and quickly! 

  • Is the campfire at the end of the festival obligatory?

    It's not obligatory, but hundreds of people decide to stay and enjoy their time together after a week of very intensive work. 

  • Are there any other activities we can join in as members of the Peace Patrol?

    Of course! There is plenty to do - the members of Peace Patrol are invited to take part in different initiatives! 

  • What are the Peace Patrol's tasks during the festival?

    Your main task as a volunteer festival steward is making sure that the festival-goers follow the Rules and Regulations of the festival. You are there to make sure that the revellers can enjoy their time at the festival, that they are safe and sound. Depending on your team's particular duties you might be tasked with securing motorcade or watch over the gates of the festival or to mind the order during gigs. Some tasks might be more interesting than others, some might be more or less daunting, tiring, or boring - what matters is that we are on this adventure together and we keep high spirits regardless! 

  • How to become a Peace Patrol volunteer?

    Frist of all you need to register online - visit www.patrol.wosp.org.pl to do it. More information about the registration process, requirements and other details are available here. In order to join us at the Woodstock Festival Poland candidates are required to take part in a weekend (Friday - Sunday) training course in Szadowo-Młyn. The training incorporates elements of survival, team-building, Health & Safety, and first aid training. We are looking for fun, tolerant team players to join our massive Patrol "family". 

  • How to become a member of the Medical Patrol?

    Members of the Medical Patrol are all volunteers but they are required to be trained health professionals - doctors, nurses, paramedics or firefighters, who have been trained in medical first aid. We also require these volunteers to have at least one year's experience in the Peace Patrol, because it gives them that edge of knowing the festival, it's specifics and layout. 

  • Is wearing red Peace Patrol t-shirts mandatory at the festival?

    Yes. Even if you have some time off, or are on a break enjoying a concert of just wandering around the festival grounds you should be wearing your red t-shirt.