Grand Finale

Łagów To Hold Grand Finale For The 6th Time!

2016-11-21 20:35:56

The hub of the Grand Finale activities is moving from the castle to the "Pod Basztą' restaurant. 

For the sporting fanatics, who do not fear the cold and snow we have prepared a celebratory nordic waling race in aid of purchasing isulin pumps for pregnant women with diabetes. We are excited to hold this even for the 5th time! For those who are more into music we prepared different concerts. We will kick our concerts with a brass band performance and then will give the stage to rock and reggae bands. We of course can not forget about performances from our youngest artists, and we are sure that the show prepared by the local kindergarten will be an instant hit. Apart from the concerts we also be holding an auction and...well, let's say we have some surprises in store! 

The Grand Finale in Łagów is shaping up to be an event of the year! 

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