During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
Grand Finale

First million in aid of the 32nd Grand Finale!

2023-12-18 16:05:00

41 days before the 32nd Grand Finale and our annual collection is already peaking! PLN 1,108,427 has already powered our fundraiser held in aid of respiratory units across Poland! 


We will meet on the last Sunday in January to celebrate the 32nd Grand Finale togather, photo: Łukasz Widziszowski


The traditional street fundraiser will take place on January 28, 2024. However, there are various ways to support our annual collection before then. At the beginning of December, the online support channels are launched. You can donate by sending a text message, making a direct money transfer, or participating in online charitable auctions at the Allegro platform.


Support our cause!


All the raised funds will be used in aid of the 32nd Grand Finale's main objective, i.e. the purchase of medical equipment for children's and adults' respiratory units across the country. 


The GOCC Foundation plans to purchase: 

  • equipment for diagnostic imaging, i.a. MRI and ultrasound equipment, 
  • equipment for functional diagnosis, i.a. polysomnographs and portable spirometers,
  • equipment for endoscopic diagnosis, i.a. navigational bronchoscopy systems and bronchoscopes
  • equipment for rehabilitation - equipment for pulmonary rehabilitation used in the treatment of patients after lung transplantation
  • equipment for thoracic surgery, e.g. electrocoagulation systems and cryoprobes.


The estimated result of the 32nd Grand Finale will be presented traditionally at the end of the day of the fundraiser (i.e. 28 January 2024). 


The 32nd Grand Finale 


The 32nd Grand Finale will be organized on 28 January 2024. The main objective of this year's fundraiser is “Post-pandemic lungs.” This means that our goal is to purchase medical equipment for the diagnosis, monitoring, and rehabilitation of pulmonary diseases in both children and adults. The motto for this year's event is: We're all in tune! 


1,685 Collection Centres from all around the world registered to play with our Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity! 101 of them are registered abroad. The Grand Finale fundraiser will be held in Great Britain, the United States, Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Indonesia, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, France, Japan, Spain, Croatia, Australia, Italy, Thailand, Luxemburg, Canada, Czechia, Singapore, Egypt, the UAE, and Cyprus. 


Check out our line-up for the Grand Finale concert


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