During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
Grand Finale

Post-pandemic lungs - the aim of the 32nd Grand Finale

2023-10-24 15:03:00

96 days before the 32nd Grand Finale, during the 67th Open Tender, we have revealed the aim of the upcoming winter fundraiser. This time, the GOCC Foundation will focus on the post-pandemic lung diseases - the raised funds will be used to purchase equipment for children's and adults' respiratory units.


What is the aim of the 32nd Grand Finale fundraiser?



The 32nd Grand Finale of the GOCC will be dedicated to the purchase of equipment for diagnosis, monitoring, and rehabilitation of pulmonary diseases among kids and adults. Altogether, there are 64 respiratory units across Poland. 


On 28 January 2024 for the 32nd time we will be facing yet another medical challenge, asking all our compatriots in Poland and abroad to join our Orchestra. The aim of the upcoming Grand Finale fundraiser is "Post-pandemic lungs. We play for kids and adults alike!". It is a huge issue in the post-pandemic times. And we want to solve it. We are planning on buying medical equipment for 15 children's and 49 adults' respiratory units in the country. - says Jurek Owsiak


The Foundation plans to purchase:

  • equipment for diagnostic imaging, i.a. MRI and ultrasound equipment, 
  • equipment for functional diagnosis, i.a. polysomnographs and portable spirometers,
  • equipment for endoscopic diagnosis, i.a. navigational bronchoscopy systems and bronchoscopes
  • equipment for rehabilitation - equipment for pulmonary rehabilitation used in the treatment of patients after lung transplantation
  • equipment for thoracic surgery, e.g. electrocoagulation systems and cryoprobes.


The motto for this year's annual fundraiser is: We're all in tune! 


Why post-pandemic lungs?


Announcing the aim of the 32nd Grand Finale - Prof. Bohdan Maruszewski, Jurek Owsiak, and Prof. Katarzyna Krenke. photo: Łukasz Widziszowski


The GOCC Foundation decided on the aim of the upcoming fundraiser after consulting the current medical challenges in the country with the Polish Society of Paediatric Pulmonology. Experts drew attention to the very serious post-pandemic health issues among children and adults. Additionally, the air quality in Poland is worsening, which is causing an increase in the number of people affected by lung diseases. The Foundation would also like to offer its support to the 1,800 patients with cystic fibrosis living in Poland.


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