During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN

Almost 30 Years Supporting Polish Healthcare

2021-04-07 17:05:00

We celebrate World Health Day and show our appreciation for healthcare workers across the country; we wanted to look back at all the achievements we can be proud of. Thanks to your fantastic support, we provided substantial support to Polish healthcare, improving the level of care available at public hospitals nationwide and developing different branches of medicine. We helped map out new treatment pathways, introducing devices used to establish new diagnostics methods in paediatrics. We always strive to move forwards, keeping pace with the most recent developments in medical science. 


When we established The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, we could hardly imagine the impact our foundation would have on Polish medicine. Over the years, we supported all branches of children's medicine in Poland and transformed geriatric care in its entirety. We introduced first aid training at nearly all primary schools in the country. We launched 8 nationwide medical initiatives! 


- Lidia Niedźwiedzka-Owsiak, member of the board of the charity and medical affairs director. 


Studio 28. Finału WOŚP fot. Basia Lutzner


The money we raised at the winter fundraising drive allowed us to buy and donate medical equipment to the following branches of medicine: cardiac surgery, neonatology, oncology, nephrology, laryngology, geriatrics - among many others. Our most recent Grand Finale collection raised PLN 210 813 830, showing very clearly that our benefactors deeply care for the youngest patients' health. 


Check how the fundraiser progressed throughout the years.


We buy and donate modern medical devices to hospitals and clinics nationwide, often replacing devices we had donated much earlier. On top of that, we also initiated and financed running 8 medical initiatives. Our nationwide medical programmes are addressed to preemies, children, young adults, and even their parents. 


What makes us especially proud? 


  • We raised over PLN 1.5 billion in aid of Polish medicine 
  • We bought and donated over 65 200 modern medical devices 
  • Our Hearing Screening Programme extends to nearly all newborn babies in the country. We screened 6 529 902 babies! 
  • We completely overhauled the system of newborn ventilation in public hospitals in Poland. We equipped 325 neonatal wards in Poland with 554 Infant Flow devices, considerably limiting the need to perform mechanical ventilation on newborn babies and preemies. 
  • We established 21 medical facilities specializing in treating retinopathy of prematurity. 245 919 prematurely born babies have had their eyesight tested. Doctors were able to save the eyesight of 10 692 babies!  
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