We launched our National Hearing Screening Programme in 2002. Since then, 6 539 902 newborn babies have had their hearing screened. 96% of babies born in Poland - excluding prematurely born babies and newborns, who require immediate medical attention at intensive care units - have their hearing screened and tested. Tests, which are non-invasive and completely pain-free, guarantee quick and precise results. Babies, who pass the tests receive a special sticker for their little health book register. If screenings detect any hearing defect or abnormalities, parents are immediately informed and babies undergo more advanced tests. Early diagnosis allows doctors to act and find treatment methods that ensure that children can regain hearing, or if all else fails - hearing aids and implants can be immediately introduced so that the child can continue to develop, grow up, learn and discover the world just like children without hearing defects.
Our charity initiated the programme in 2002 and since then, we have bought equipment for PLN 38 000 000. We donated 2 187 medical devices and financed the training medical personnel responsible for carrying out the screenings.
Our initiative is the most advanced and widest-reaching programmes of this type in Europe. This year's Grand Finale fundraiser marks the second occasion when we raised money to support ENT medicine - we want to buy medical devices to treat diseases of the ear, nose, and throat.