During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN

Supporting volunteer fire departments

2017-09-07 16:03:17

The Board of the Foundation, having considered the needs and work that the volunteer firefighters do, decided to purchase equipment for their departments. The main beneficiaries will be fire departments in the areas affected by the hurricane, which struck northern and central Poland in August. Volunteer firefighters were first responders on the scene of the natural disaster and they remained on site to help local residents in the aftermath of the hurricane. 


Uroczystość rozdania sprzętu zakupionego przez WOŚP w 2010 roku, fot. Ł. Widziszowski


In total, 200 voluntary fire departments will receive equipment worth almost 1,5 million PLN. The equipment, purchased after consultations with firefighters and according to the needs declared by each unit includes electric power generators, chainsaws, and medical equipment such as PSP R1 kits and EADs. The funds allocated for the purchase of equipment for fire departments come from donations our charity receives throughout the year


It is the second time in our history that we support Polish volunteer firefighters. In 2010 we purchased equipment for 444 voluntary fire departments in the country. 


Uroczystość rozdania sprzętu zakupionego przez WOŚP w 2010 roku, fot. Ł. Widziszowski

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