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Grand Finale

Grand Finale Concert in Warsaw

2019-11-22 11:55:00


We are always celebrating our rock'n'roll roots, so each year we invite the public to enjoy a fantastic musical extravaganza. On the day of the Grand Finale, we organise a massive free concert, featuring some of the best-loved and best-known artists in the country. It's a great way to attract even more people to the city centre, where they can take part in our charitable drive.

This year, as we are moving our fundraising event to an entirely new location, we decided to make our Warsaw Grand Finale concert bigger and better than ever before!
We are going to feature artists who impressed the audience at Pol'and'Rock Festival this summer and are making huge waves on the Polish music scene.

20:00 LIGHT UP THE SKY - light show 
21:40 TULIA 



Majka Jeżowska Band


Majka Jeżowska is best known for her prolific career as a children’s singer. Her upbeat songs are an instant hit with the younger audiences. Paired with wholesome lyrics and energetic melodies, Jeżowska’s hits include “A ja wolę moją mamę”, “Najpiękniejsza w klasie” and ”Od rana mam dobry humor”, to name a few. Her releases went platinum, and her shows are always sold out. We emphasise the fact that our festival is a safe space for everyone to have fun and we prepare activities for parents and their children. We think that Jeżowska's timeless, wholesome appeal will draw a diverse audience.



fot. Dominik Malik 




Cyrk Deriglasoff 


One of the more prominent figures, who became one of the co-creators of the independent, experimental music scene in Poland is the founder of the band, Olaf Deriglasoff. Olaf Deriglasoff is the man behind this innovative music initiative. Deriglasoff is a musician, vocalist and creative mastermind behind Dzieci Kapitana Klossa band. The band was characterised by a creative approach to music and humorous lyrics. The band's rebellious attitude helped shape Polish independent music scene and influenced other artists. 



Pablopavo i Ludziki 


The artist known as Pablopavo was born in March 1978. He formed his first band in 1993, and he has been active in the Polish music industry ever since. Debut album of Pablopavo & Ludziki formation was released in 2009. Four albums followed suit - with the latest record released in 2017. A smooth mixture of different musical genres, drawing on the vocalist's background as reggae and raggamuffin vocalist and lyrical quality of Polish guitar ballads, Pablopavo & Ludziki's music has quickly gained attention from the critics and music fans alike. 

Pablopavo received many accolades, including the prestigious "Paszport Polityki" awarded by an influential monthly magazine for achievements in the area of culture, politics, and social life.



Sidney Polak 


Sidney Polak is a one-man-band- a singer, songwriter, composer, talented drummer - and the voice of his generation. Polak skilfully blends different genres of music and produces a vibrant mixture of reggae, hip-hop, funk, and urban folk. He is now back with his third solo album - a musically diverse tale of the life in a big town. As a music writer, Polak is a master of different genres. As a songwriter, he is a great observer of everyday life - sometimes funny, sometimes sad, always talented and honest in his approach do describe contemporary Poland.



fot. Damian Jędrzejewski



Jazz Band Młynarski- Masecki

 Brilliant re-edition of traditional jazz from the 1920s comes from Młynarski & Masecki. The artists transport the audience into the realm of glamorous jazz bands, roaring twenties crazy parties and brilliant take on the classic jazz standards. Młynarski & Masecki show that good music is timeless, and the love of jazz can engage a new, young audience. 


fot. Basia Lutzner



Daria Zawiałow 


The up-and-coming singer-songwriter writes her music so that her music is extremely personal and filled with raw creativity and emotion. Daria Zawiałow has proven herself to be a powerful performer and a new force in the Polish independent music scene, bringing sensitivity, talent, and innovative approach to creating music. 

Her debut album, titled "A Kysz", was released in 2017 and it has turned golden only a year after release. Singles and videos promoting this album became instant hits amassing hundreds of thousands of views online. Daria Zawiałow became a staple on Polish festival scene, and her first tour was sold out in a matter of hours. 

In 2018 the vocalist grabbed two most important statuettes in Polish recording business - Fryderyk Awards in two categories: for the best debut album and the best alternative music release. 



Renata Przemyk 

The theatrical diva will take you on a journey of spiritual and artistic discovery as she celebrates an important anniversary at the Most Beautiful Festival in the World. Renata Przemyk is a Polish singer-songwriter, who began her musical journey in 1989. She is well known for the shows which never fail to evoke raw, honest emotion. It is difficult to assign her music into one specific genre - it is a vibrant and innovative blend of rock and folk, lyrical quality of classical music which results in music which can explain even the most complex and overwhelming emotions and travels of the human spirit. Renata is a woman of many talents - both as a songwriter and vocalist, she commands the stage and enters in a conversation with an audience. Each of her albums is different and explores different musical and artistic opportunities to convey the underlying message. Renata Przemyk’s accolades include some of the most prominent awards in the Polish music industry, such as Fryderyk music award. She is a critic and fan favourite, branching into theatre performances and stage work.


fot. Lucyna Lewandowska 



Agnieszka Chylińska 


Agnieszka Chylińska is a singer-songwriter and a popular TV personality from Gdańsk, Poland. From 1994 until  2003 she was the lead singer of O.N.A, joining the band when aged just 18. She has established herself as a rebellious enfant terrible of Polish heavy music scene. One of the few female vocalists in the heavy metal industry at the time,  she became well-known for her raw, raspy voice and energetic, violent delivery. As a songwriter, Chylińska aimed to expose the deepest and purest emotions and anxieties of her generation. O.N..A., which played heavy metal-inspired rock music, enjoyed a substantial commercial and critical success. It can be argued that it was Chylińska’s rebellious attitude and her unique, wild quality of voice as well as piercing honesty and aggression of lyrics that were responsible for the band’s success. Chylińska received multiple Fryderyk Awards and award nominations (the equivalent of Grammy Awards in Poland) and was named vocalist and songwriter of the year numerous times.

Having left O.N.A. in 2004, she teamed up with some of her ex-band members to establish a new music project, Chylińska. In 2009 Agnieszka Chylińska embarked on a solo career and made some interesting creative choices – her first solo album was inspired by pop and dance music. Both this debut solo record and the following release went triple platinum. In 2018, while working as one of the judges of the famous “You Got Talent” show, she released a punk-music inspired album “Pink Punk”.



 fot. Bartek Muracki




Łydka Grubasa 

The band is the definition of irreverent and their tongue-in-cheek lyrics are paired with upbeat, fast rock music. The result? The audience loves them and each of their gigs - from the smallest Emerging Talent competitions to shows at the most significant stages of Polish outdoor festivals. They made their debut at the Festival in 2011, and they became a real fan favourite. 



Kwiat Jabłoni 


 Siblings who create music which combines interesting lyrics with instrumental and electronic music. The idea to create music using sweet sounds of mandolins and electronic beats results in unusual, creative sounds which are getting loads of attention from fans of unconventional sounds. Their music is fresh, innovative, exciting. 



fot. Dominik Malik



Ralph Kaminski  


Ralph Kaminski is a singer, songwriter, composer and music producer. He creates magical, lyrical music - breaching the gap between popular, independent and film music. Violins and pianos are staples in his atmospheric, spellbinding recordings. It is important to note that his lyrics are poetic musings on the state of human emotion and personal experience.





What will happen if you produce a folk cover of a massive metal anthem? A local phenomenon which will soon, thanks to their participation in Eurovision song contest, will become global. Tulia is four very Tulia became best known for their folk-inspired re-edition of Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters". Four artists, clad in vibrant folk costumes, combine folk-inspired music with new lyrics and musical solutions. Tulia can hit the right balance between using folk instruments with a contemporary twist. 



 fot. Basia Lutzner









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