W ramach 33. Finału WOŚP zarejestrowaliśmy
1686 Sztabów

Ways to support GOCC without leaving the house

2017-01-15 12:17:15

Support us from the comfort of your home! Wherever you are and however broke you might be. You can still play with us!

 Wolontariusze w dniu 25. Finału WOŚP foto:Dominik Malik

Send Text Messages 

Until 18th January you can keep sending charitable text mesages from any Polish mobile number. All proceeds go to GOCC with the goal to save lives of children in paediatric wards and to provide dignified medical care for patients in geriatric wards. 

Text SERCE to 75 565 

costs 5 PLN NETTO (6,15 PLN with VAT)


Wysyłaj sms-y o treści SERCE

Donate via App

Prepared by Play & Cocolab for  iOS & Android our 25th Grand Finale App lets you dontae via PayU as well as keep an eye out for al the GOCC fun happening nearby. 


Charytatywni Allegro Auctions

Take part in one of our auctions at  http://aukcje.wosp.org.pl/

So far they gathered  2 7 0 8 0 0 7 zł from 25493 auctions towards the 25th Grand Finale Goals!

Keep on bidding!



If you are on Twitter on Instagram don't forget to use #MastercardGrazWOSP hashtag

Masz konto na Twitterze lub Instagramie? Jeśli tak, to nie zapomnij o używaniu dziś hasztagu #MastercardGrazWOSP

Re-tweets are worth 5PLN  while tagging your Instagram photo is an extra PLN towards saving lives! All courtesy of MasterCard - playing with us for the 4th time!



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