The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity purchases equipment for neonatological wards, so that doctors can have devices they can use to treat prematurely born babies at their disposal. We have also launched and finance two medical programmes addressing medical needs of preemies - one aiming to prevent and treat retinopathy of prematurity and the other aiming to introduce a non-invasive breathing support in hospitals in the country.
Prevention and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity
Preterm birth often means that the baby is not yet ready to function independently because not all of its organs are fully developed. The retina of a prematurely born baby is not fully developed - and the baby might later develop vision impairment or lose sight entirely. In order to diagnose and treat retinopathy of prematurity, doctors use state-of-the-art lasers. Since the launch of the programme in 2001, we have equipped 19 ophthalmic centres with diagnostic and surgical equipment.
Programme in figures:
- 122 speculums
- laser devices for 19 centres
- 203 156 preemies have been examined by the end of November 2016
- 8 516 surgeries performed
- 8 187 babies have had their sight restored!
20th Grand Finale addressed the needs of neonatal wards
We have raised 50 million PLN and we were able to purchase equipment used to treat preemies:
- 104 incubators (transport incubators, MRI-compatible incubators, hybrid incubators, and closed incubators)
- 55 medical ventilators (ventilators allowing lung-protective ventilators, self-regulating medical ventilators)
- 53 ultrasound systems
- 53 Infant Flow devices, which allow for non-invasive ventilation.
Purchase of Infant Flow ventilators marks the beginning of our commitment to launch and run a revolutionary system of breathing support - reducing the number of invasive procedures considerably.