The app is called KofiUp and is available for iOS and Android. Partnered with dozens of coffee shops and cafes in Warsaw, Krakow, Tricity, and Białystok the app allows you to enjoy your favourite drinks for 50% less than the price on the menu. You can indulge your love of caffeine and help us raise funds to purchase equipment for paediatric and geriatric wards in the same time!
How does it all work?
Having installed the app, you choose the plan of your liking, and in the week starting from 8th of January, as you make your purchases with the app, the company and coffeeshops will be donating:
- 2 PLN from each purchase made from Premium plan drink menu
- 1 PLN from each purchase made from Basic plan drink menu.
You will get to enjoy your favourite drink and your heart will be warmed with the fact that you have supported the charitable fundraiser. Share your love for a warm brew with us!
If you are trying to limit your caffeine intake, but you still find your way to your favourite cafe there's an option of 'collection cup'. You can use our online "collection cup" and forego your drink in favour of donating the entire price of the drink to the charity.