During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
Grand Finale

GOCC Going Global

2020-01-11 16:11:40


Our initiative is going global - Collection Centres, and volunteers are playing with us from the most remote corners of the world. They not only run very successful collections, raising more and more funds each year - they become fantastic ambassadors for Polish culture, cuisine, and tradition.



This year our Orchestra will sound in 100 different locations across the globe - from Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Russia, Germany, Ireland, Spain, France, Denmark, Belgium Croatia, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Iceland, Georgia, Austria, Estonia, Czechia, Tanzania, Cyprus, Thailand, Hungary in the US, Canada and Mexico! Polish community overseas comes together to celebrate and raise funds and gives the local community a taste of festivities back home in Poland. Our volunteers from Australia, based in Perth, Melbourne, and Sydney decided to launch their own bushfire relief fundraiser. 





Just like our volunteers become fantastic ambassadors for Poland, we here in Poland, have amazing support from the embassies based in Warsaw. The ambassadors traditionally donate items to our charitable auctions, and this year we were honoured to receive donations from the embassies of France, Great Britan, Japan, Palestine, Ireland, Australia, China, and German consulate. 



WOŚP na Bali


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