During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN

Jerzy Owsiak is the most admired Pole!

2018-04-13 18:06:58

YouGov is an international market research and data analytics firm. The company conducts global opinion polls and has been founded in London in 2000. The company's forte is an online market and public opinion research. The company has recently published the results of its latest annual admiration ranking. 

The study covered opinions of people from 35 countries, and a focus group of over 37. 000 individuals were interviewed in order to create the world's most admired list of 2018. It is worth noting that while the international list was topped by entrepreneurs and entertainers, the ranking of most admired people in Poland was dominated by social activists, people associated with education, charitable work, and social advocacy. Jerzy Owsiak, who is the architect of the Grand Finale charitable fundraiser and social activist, occupies first place in admiration ranking for Poland. What is more, top three positions on the most admired women in Poland list are taken by public figures associated with charitable work. 



The candidates were chosen in a two-fold process. Frist, panellists from 35 countries completed a list of public figures. Additionally, 10 local public figures were added to the 20 names ob list. The results are calculated based on answers that the responders gave to two simple questions: who do you truly admire? and who do you MOST admire?. The first question allowed multiple selections, while the second question required the responder to choose only one individual from the list. This methodology gave the researchers an opportunity to determine "admiration score" of each person on the list, which represents the individual's global reach and support they enjoy. 


Jurek Owsiak

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