We played together again!
The Great Orchestra played its 32nd Grand Finale! It was an exceptional day. And the declared amount of funds raised during this year's collection exceeded our expectations!
We aimed to purchase 854 pieces of equipment, which will be donated to 145 medical facilities in Poland. This 48th Open Tender is the first buying process where we are purchasing equipment for the money raised during the 25th Grand Finale charitable drive.
Our plan was to purchase the following items:
During the first day of our presentations and negotiations, we have bought the following pieces of equipment and devices:
Today brought about a purchase of 60 bathing chairs (ARJOHUNTLEIGH).
We will also be purchasing additional equipment - a supplementary purchase based on the contracts negotiated during the 45th Open Tender proceedings of the following pieces of equipment.
The Great Orchestra played its 32nd Grand Finale! It was an exceptional day. And the declared amount of funds raised during this year's collection exceeded our expectations!
Traditionally, on Fridays just before the Grand Finale fundraiser, the GOCC Foundation hosts a press conference to sum up the preparations for the annual collection. Jurek Owsiak will present all our initiatives, actions, and activities as we prepare to celebrate another edition of the joyous celebration of kindness!
On 5 December, we organized the 68th Open Tender dedicated to the aim of the 30th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, i.e. paediatric ophthalmology.