During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
2020-01-12 09:25:25

Light Up the Sky and Tribute to Paweł Adamowicz

Traditionally, we intend to send a message to the Good Angels to show then that here, on Earth are people who have wings too. It is a message of hope, solidarity, and unity.
2020-01-11 16:11:40

GOCC Going Global

Our initiative travels the world! We are "playing" on all continents, wherever there is a vibrant, energetic Polish community abroad. We are very proud of our friends who decide to play with our Orchestra in the most remote corners of the world.
2020-01-07 13:05:29

Appeal to the Polish Australians

Jurek Owsiak and the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation appeal to the Australian Collection Centres to utilize their Grand Finale fundraising resources to support the efforts to help victims of bushfires in Australia.
2017-12-05 10:44:19

Grand Finale in Melbourne!

26th Grand Finale will take place in the state capital of Victoria. We will be sharing our positive energy and enthusiasm with our friends and neighbours.

Patience, we are downloading content