Number of registered Collection Centres for the 33rd Grand Finale:
1511 Sztabów
Grand Finale

Go ahead and volunteer!

2018-11-13 14:28:12

No point hesitating now when a lot of Collection Centres (both in Poland and abroad) have closed their applications. Check where you can still help out and where your help would still be necessary by browsing the list of Collection Centres on our website. You can brose Collection Centres by location and check if they are still looking for volunteers to join their ranks!

Next step should be reading and remembering to follow the Volunteer's Code of Practice. Once it's done, you can get to work registering your online account. 

1. Go online

  • If you are underage, you need to ask your parent or guardian to create your volunteer account 
  • If you are over 18 years old, you can go ahead and set up your account by yourself

2. You would have to provide us with contact details and personal data (name, surname, personal insurance number, password & your e-mail). It is essential to provide all the details of an adult at this point - so if it's your parent who's creating your account, they should give their details. 

3. Well done! The biggest journeys begin with the smallest of steps. Now, you should activate your account by clicking on the link you'll receive in your inbox. 

4. Next steps involve registering your volunteer account and choosing your Collection Centre. You can search for your local Collection Centre by city or postal code. 

5. Now it's time to provide the details of volunteer, who intends to fundraise at the 27th Grand Finale - if you are of age, use the same data as you used during the registration. Guardians, now you can provide information about your ward! 

6. Have your picture at hand. Best ones are ID pictures - ones you would use in a passport or ID application. 

7. You can check your application status and receive messages from your Collection Centre through mail panel on your account. Remember that applying to volunteer and choosing your Collection Centre does not mean that you automatically become a volunteer. Your application should be approved by the Chief of the Collection Centre. Please bear in mind that each individual Collection Centre has a limit of volunteers they can accept! 

You can also get in touch with the Collection Centre to see if they need any other help when preparing the massive fundraiser. Remember that you put FUN in the fundraiser and you have the power to change the world for the better! 



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