During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
Grand Finale

These are the 32nd Grand Finale Collection Boxes!

2023-11-30 13:57:59

On 30 November, less than 60 days before the 32nd Grand Finale fundraiser, the Collection Boxes were presented during a press conference. Just this year, there were 226,000 boxes produced. The 26-year partnership between the GOCC Foundation and Stora Enso has resulted in the production of 3.6 million Collection Boxes.

Despite the increasing popularity of online fundraising tools, cardboard Collection Boxes continue to be an essential part of the Grand Finale fundraiser. The GOCC Foundation partners with Stora Enso to distribute thousands of colourful, beautifully designed Collection Boxes. This year's Collection Boxes will be distributed to volunteers in Poland and around the world, as usual. 
Tomasz Żebrowski (President of the board of Stora Enso Poland SA) and Jerzy Owsiak presenting the first, historical and the latest Collection Box ​before the 32nd Grand Finale, photo: Łukasz Widziszowski
This is the second time that the Collection Boxes have been designed for the Grand Finale in three different layouts - one for volunteers, and two others for two chain stores supporting the Orchestra's winter fundraising. All the designs were prepared at the Stora Enso Packaging Production Factory in Mosina and officially presented on 30 November at the Stora Enso factory in Łódź. 

We proudly announce that we will support the 32nd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity! As a cardboard box manufacturer, we believe that each collection box filled with generous donations serves not only as a symbol of our engagement, but also as a token of solidarity and care for others. It has been 26 years since we, together with the GOCC, began creating an unforgettable melody of help, giving hope and support wherever it is most needed. We are honoured to be part of this beautiful initiative and “do good for people and the planet”.

Tomasz Żebrowski, President of the board of Stora Enso Poland SA

Jerzy Owsiak symbolically launches the production process at Stora Enso factory in Łódź, photo: Łukasz Widziszowski


The cardboard boxes manufactured by Stora Enso have raised millions, if not a billion zlotys. We went all the way from very simple layouts to beautifully designed, beaming with colours Collection Boxes that our volunteers carry around in Poland and all around the world. They are safe, durable, and serve a good cause! For the past few years, we have distributed our Collection Boxes not only among individual volunteers, but also among different chain stores. It shows how the Orchestra unites us all! 

Jurek Owsiak, Chairman of the board of the GOCC Foundation 


The collection boxes with a hexagonal base are made in line with Stora Enso's values. The materials used for production, made from recycled paper, are renewable and can be recycled again. Therefore, the Collection Box serves both people and the planet.  
Up to this date, Stora Enso has donated 3.4 million boxes to the Orchestra. On the occasion of the 32nd Grand Finale, the charity will receive the next 226,000 collection boxes.
The motto of the upcoming 32nd Grand Finale is "We are all in tune!", photo: Łukasz Widziszowski

Collection Boxes - fun facts


  • During the first annual event organized by the GOCC Foundation, people collected money in boxes they made themselves. The first Collection Box prototype was created 25 years ago and measured 210x60 mm. In 2005, the Collection Box was designed 13% larger (measuring 230x60 mm) due to the generosity of the donors. 
  • The shape of the Collection Box remained unaltered for a quarter-century. In the first years, the only thing that was changed was the opening for donors to put in the money.
  • The production process of a Collection Box is complex and involves several stages. The speed is approximately 5,000 boxes per hour. 30 people are involved in the process. 
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