These are the 32nd Grand Finale Collection Boxes!
Less than 60 days before the 32nd Grand Finale fundraiser, the Collection Boxes were presented during a press conference. Just this year, there were 226,000 boxes produced.
The Stationary Collection Boxes are a great way for a business to support the charitable fundraiser and a great way for our benefactors to donate money. The Stationary Collection Boxes are displayed in different places of business since 15th of December. You can find them in different shops, such as Lidl (the supermarket chain is going to display Collection Boxes on January the 9th) boutique vendors, such as Manufaktura Cukierków, hair salons or even on board of fleet of cars of Sawa cab corporation!
The Stationary Collection Boxes should be displayed alongside a copy of Declaration, which is the permission of the owners of the business to hold the fundraiser on their premises. The staff don't wear volunteer's IDs.
Less than 60 days before the 32nd Grand Finale fundraiser, the Collection Boxes were presented during a press conference. Just this year, there were 226,000 boxes produced.
On 5 December, we organized the 68th Open Tender dedicated to the aim of the 30th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, i.e. paediatric ophthalmology.
Traditionally, on Fridays just before the Grand Finale fundraiser, the GOCC Foundation hosts a press conference to sum up the preparations for the annual collection. Jurek Owsiak will present all our initiatives, actions, and activities as we prepare to celebrate another edition of the joyous celebration of kindness!