During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
CPR for Schools

An intense year of training is behind us!

2019-01-02 13:30:13


3 000 000 children who have learned how to perform CPR and how to administer basic first aid is not a bad result for an educational initiative run by a non-governmental initiative. The extracurricular lessons are conducted by teachers who have taken part in CPR training provided by certified instructors. Teachers receive free teaching aids. Kids not only learn how to save someone's life and how to behave in an emergency ( children learn whom to call for help and what information to provide to the emergency services), but also they acquire other vital skills - responsibility, sensitivity, determination, and assertiveness. We are especially proud to hear news reports about the youngest heroes - children who took action to help victims of accidents. 


fot. Dominik Malik


We wanted to sum up the last 12 months of our CPR for Schools initiative. We have trained teachers from 384 schools, who took part in 24 training sessions held in different towns and cities across the country. All in all, we trained 900 primary school teachers who took part in theoretical lectures, tested their skills during practical exercises and discovered how to teach CPR and first aid effectively and in a way which is interesting for young children. Our charity supplied schools with 88 912 books and 606 manikins which will be used to conduct these lessons. We provided teaching aids and materials to 94 schools. We are happy to support schools which are active in our educational programme and we admire the teachers who decide to provide their pupils with extra lessons. 



We also need to mention our impressive result of annual CPR record attempt. This year we have been joined by 105 902 people who performed a simultaneous CPR session at 1 142 institutions. Can we set a new record in 2019? We are certain that thanks to your commitment we can show that helping others is as easy as a child's play! 


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