So much to do, and so little time to do it in! But for the volunteers, who ar emembers of the Peace Patrol nothing is and will never be impossible. Peace Patrol is a unique phenomenon - a group of thousands of people, who are all friendly with each-other and can instantly find common ground, what allows them to work quickly and efficiently together. The members of the Patrol form a close-knit group, and seeing you greet your friends was a sight to behold.
The members of the Peace Patrol kept people visiting the Grand Finale area safe, and make sure that everything runs smoothly in the studio, while others are busy teaching first aid to the members of the public. Thousands fot you guys travelled to Warsaw to help organise the biggest event, but we know that many of you used your experience, gained during your work at Woodstock Festival Poland, to help make the Grand Finale Possible in your home-town Collection Centres.
To all of you - big thanks for your hard work and cheerful attitude! See you again soon.