During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
Grand Finale

Bank of Bands

2016-12-15 16:09:01

Our database of bands is still growing bigger and bigger, with almost 150 bands - both from Poland and from abroad, willing to play for free at the concerts organised as a part of the Grand Finale fundraiser in January. The bands listed in the database agree to forego payment for their performance, provided that the organiser is able to reimburse the band's cost of travel. 

In order to faciliate contact between the band and the Collection Centre looking for a performer to energize their Grand Finale events, we have set up the Bank of Bands. We list the artists, who share our ideals and would like to support our cause according to their location and musical genre they play. 


Bank of Bands on our website



Fot. Fundacja WOŚP

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