During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
Grand Finale

First ever Grand Finale in Bournemouth!

2017-02-02 22:56:11

Can you imagine that only 13 volunteers were able to raise over 6 thousand pounds on the day of the Grand Finale? Neither can we, but the Grand Finale event in Bournemouth was a resounding success nevertheless! Riviera club, catering for the Polish community in the area, hosted the family friendly bash, where everyone was welcome. Of course, we began with activities for the little ones - sporting and dancing presentations. There was also something for the image-conscious guests in attendance: they could seek personal trainer's advice and learn some make-up tricks. There was also music: both folk and rock, showcasing our local artists and performers. We even hosted one of the Dire Straits founders, John Ilsey! 







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