
"Home hospital" at Biała Podlaska

2017-10-12 17:23:54

This medical facility - the first and only in this area of the country, has been officially named after the  Foundation. The ward has been dubbed "home hospital" because, firstly, the staff go out of their way to make sure that their patients - elderly patients and people suffering from chronic conditions and requiring constant care and treatment feel like they have never left their homes. Secondly, some patients, instead of being admitted into the hospital can stay in their homes and doctors and nurses visit them. Benefits of such a patient-oriented approach are very beneficial to the process of recovery because it minimizes the stress, which often hinders treatment significantly. The homely atmosphere of the ward prevents the patients from suffering emotional strain more often than not associated with staying in a hospital. 

Such a patient-oriented approach is beneficial to the process of recovery because it minimizes the stress, which often hinders treatment significantly. The homely atmosphere of the ward prevents the patients from suffering emotional strain more often than not associated with staying in a hospital. 

Jurek Owsiak, chairman of the Foundation has had high praise for the people involved in the initiative. According to Owsiak, such personalized approach, which takes into the account personal needs of the patients is the way forward in medicine. Having spoken to the people he has met in the hospital, he could see that this method of work is bringing about great results. 


Fot. Fundacja WOŚP

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