During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
CPR for Schools

Girl, aged 10, saves newborn baby brother!

2017-09-25 14:05:32

Last week a primary school pupil not only became a big sister - she became a superhero! When the girl's mum went into premature labour, she knew exactly what she needed to do. The little hero knew whom to call for help and was able to provide emergency dispatchers with all details. When her brother was born, she knew how to act and how to provide support to both - her mum and her newborn sibling.  

The little girl's composure is described as nothing short of heroic by medical staff and police officers. The girl not only called for help - she also made sure that her newborn brother was breathing. All this before the ambulance arrived at the scene! Her actions are the best proof that teaching basics of first aid at very early age brings fantastic effects! 

At the moment, both the new mum and baby are healthy and heir condition is monitored by doctors, who do not hide their admiration for the little girl's behaviour in a critical situation. 


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