Kwota deklarowana 33. Finału:
4 407 813 PLN
Grand Finale

The GOCC Volunteers - how to recognize them this year.

2018-01-14 12:00:00
Tomorrow, from the break of dawn the streets of Poland will be packed with more than 120 000 volunteers gathering funds during the next - this time the 26th - GOCC Grand Finale in order to grant newborn babies equal access to medical care.

Every Volunteer of the GOCC can be easily recognized thanks to three visible attributes:
  • A colourful cardboard collection box decorated with a characteristic graphic motif. This year's boxes are available thanks to the generosity of Storaenso. The boxes are secured with a special seal that came to be in the offices of KDS.
  • A set of GOCC heart stickers to hand out to our generous grantors.
  • An ID issued by the GOCC (with picture, name, number of the collection, stamp and a hologram).
Exemplary volunteer
Our Volunteers usually work in pairs or small groups so as to feel safe and secure compassing the streets of our cities. Among them you can find your peers, colleagues, co-workers, actors, musicians, sportsmen - you name it. If you want to make a donation, but lack hard cash at the moment, you also can contribute to the goal of the Grand Finale provided you find a Volunteer equipped with a POS terminal provided by MasterCard and mBank. Every such machine is marked with an official hologram sticker and easily recognizable. What's more, the GOCC logo is visible on the screen during transactions as well as on the print-outs. How convenient! Thanks, guys!

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