The Foundation's educational initiative aims to introduce basis of CPR knowledge to primary schools across the country. CPR for Schools Programme has been launched 12 years ago. Since then, teachers, who are trained by qualified CPR and first aid instructors, have taught CPR to almost 3 million schoolchildren nationwide. It means that our educational programme is carried out in 91% of all schools in the country.
We greatly admire teachers who decide to take part in our programme, as it requires their time and effort to conduct these extracurricular lessons with their pupils. We also want to acknowledge schools which actively take part in the programme, by taking part in CPR for Schools competitions and making that extra effort to educate pupils. What is more, plaques will serve to publicize this programme and show the public scope of its activity and impact. It is worth noting that the Foundation has appealed to the Ministry of Education to include first aid training in the primary school curriculum. To date, our requests fell on deaf ears. Still, more schools see the benefits of the programme - children gain vital skills, confidence and know how to behave in dangerous and difficult situations.