The 40th Polish Science Academy arctic expedition decided to take part in the 26th Grand Finale public charitable collection. Rather than hitting up polar bears for donations and sticking red-heart stickers on icebergs, they decided to invite our friends to take part in charitable auctions in aid of the Grand Finale!
The arctic researchers will be sending greeting cards from the Arctic Circle and many more handmade and unique items.
With the limited resources on hand, the items will be really ingenious and will include hats, placemats and other items, straight from the far north! The items have a long way to cross before they reach your address: first, they are shipped in a chopper to Longyearbyen (closest town) to be flown to Poland with next post. The items will be shipped in March and April because the life in the Arctic depends on the weather, which can be very unfavourable an unpredictable, but it won't stop us from 'playing' to ensure that all babies born in Poland have equal access t healthcare