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The most expensive device in the history of the GOCC will be launched next week

2022-06-10 19:05:42

The inauguration ceremony of the PET-CT Facility at the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw in the laboratory of the Department of Nuclear Medicine was held on 10th June 2022. First patients are already signed up for testing at the beginning of the next week.


PET-CT Facility at the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw, photo by: Łukasz Widziszowski



The first digital PET-CT scan machine for a paediatric centre in Poland was purchased by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation in October 2020 for PLN 15,890,000. This most expensive device in the history of GOCC purchases allows for precise localization of cancer foci and will be used to diagnose children from all over Poland.


PET-CT combines two techniques: a positron emission tomography (PET) and an x-ray computed tomography (CT). Such solution facilitates the hybrid metabolic and anatomical imaging and adds precision of localization of the tumour foci. The acquired images allow for more accurate interpretation of the results and implementation of the precisely targeted therapy. It truly contributes to a much less invasive treatment of the little patients.


photo by: Łukasz Widziszowski



The scanner machine was installed in the facility in December 2021. The equipment was purchased thanks to the funds raised during the 28th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation in January 2020.

- The PET-CT centre with the cutting-edge device in diagnostic oncology of a total worth of nearly PLN 16 mln is now open! My Friends, as of Monday it will be on, it will give hope, it will help to effectively cure the little patients! And this is what the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is all about! We are so very happy! - said Jurek Owsiak, the GOCC Foundation

This unique device for children was installed in a specially prepared Positron Emission Tomography Laboratory which was established thanks to funds from the Ministry of Health. The Ministry provided nearly PLN 4 million for the creation of the laboratory, which included renovation and construction works and furnishing of new rooms.

In paediatrics, PET-CT examinations are used mainly in oncology to determine the location of live tumour cells in a patient's body at all stages of diagnosis and treatment.


photo by: Łukasz Widziszowski



- We are grateful to the Ministry of Health and to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation, thanks to whom today we officially open the new Positron Emission Tomography Laboratory in our Institute. The digital PET-CT device will allow us to provide our little patients with the highest quality standards in imaging diagnostics, which translates into improved diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficiency - said Dr Marek Migdał, Head of the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw



photo by: Łukasz Widziszowski


PET-CT scanners are used not only in oncology, but also in cardiology, for surgery planning, for diagnostics of inflammation and fever of unknown origin, as well as for diagnostics of infections of various types of prostheses and implants.

Throughout the years the GOCC Foundation has donated a total of (including PET-CT) 1,438 devices worth value of PLN 95 378 394.64 to the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw.



View of the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw, photo by: Łukasz Widziszowski


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