During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
Grand Finale

We will play to save the lives of newborn babies!

2017-10-16 13:49:13

The annual winter fundraiser, which will take place on the second Sunday of January next year, will be held in order to raise funds to purchase equipment to ensure that all babies born in Poland can have equal access to health care. The objective of each Grand Finale is always chosen very carefully - the medical team works closely with medical professionals, consults specialists in the field and analyses requests for equipment we receive from the hospitals across the country. After considerations and consultations, we decided that next year we will focus our efforts on making sure that Polish hospitals - big or small, regional medical facilities or small local clinics - are equipped with devices which allow them to treat newborn babies efficiently, and what is sometimes crucial in the process of recovery - as soon as worrying symptoms might occur. We want parents to rest assured that their children have equal access to healthcare - no matter where in Poland they were born. 


Our objective for the next year's Grand Finale fundraiser will be to provide support to neonatological units in Poland. Choosing the fundraiser's goal is never an easy thing to do. We keep hearing about what hospitals in Poland lack, and what help they need from us.  We receive messages from doctors, nurses, parents of children in hospitals. Choosing that key objective is vital, just as vital is then being able to meet the needs accordingly and providing comprehensive help and support - says Jurek Owsiak. 


The Foundation has supported neonatology before. In the past, 7 fundraisers have been held in aid of this branch of medicine, and as a result, all neonatological wards in the country have received 3844 pieces of equipment worth 121. 909,333,39 PLN. Doctors and nurses can now rely on 1160 incubators, 367 resuscitation units for newborns and 334 heart monitors. This equipment is usually the cornerstone of all of the modern equipment used in these wards. What is more, the Foundation has initiated, finances, and co-runs medical programmes which aim to ensure that all children born in Poland have their hearing tested or that prematurely born babies can receive eyesight-saving operations in modern clinics. We want to make sure that parents know that their children will have access to the same help, the same equipment and treatment regardless of where they are. 

We know that this is a huge undertaking, but we believe that with the fundraiser going strong in Poland and abroad we will be able to change the face of Polish medicine yet again! 

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