Kwota deklarowana 33. Finału:
4 407 813 PLN

Let's Light up the Sky 2021

2021-01-31 20:53:27


An amazing illumination surprised and delighted us and brought some much-needed cheer into the very dark of last night of January. This time we gazed upon a marvellous show - fireworks erupted from a fantastic led pyramid located in Warsaw city centre. 

The main event took place in the very heart of Polish capital, but similarly touching and beautiful displays took place in different locations nationwide and internationally. Traditionally - on Sunday, traditionally, at 8:00 pm sharp, we felt united (even when maintaining social distance and watching on screens of our different devices) despite our differences ina beautiful move of unity and friendship. 

The design and creative thought which went into preparing the display in Warsaw impressed and surprised everyone. The fireworks erupted from a stunning led construction erected in the city centre. Vibrant, colourful pyramid displayed our message to the crowds, which gathered at safe distance. 


Światełko do nieba/ Fot. Marcin Michon

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