During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
CPR for Schools

Support our charity and donate 1% of your tax!

2019-02-18 16:27:14


Polish taxpayers can donate 1% of their taxes to a charitable organization of their choosing. It is a great and easy way to support an initiative of your choosing - you just have to write down the court registration number of the non-governmental organization you wish to support and let the tax office do the rest. 1% of your tax will be automatically transferred into the account of the charitable organization you would like to support. 

This year our charity will be using the funds received via 1% donations to finance the running of our educational initiative and to finance our key initiatives, such as providing rehabilitation equipment for home care and purchase devices to run our other medical initiatives aiming to improve the conditions at medical facilities in Poland. 

Thanks to your donations we were able to buy a fleet of vehicles for children's hospices, donate AED to public places, such as museums and train stations, buy MRI scanner for Memorial Children's Hospital, and buy equipment to help run our medical programmes nationwide. 


 Pozoracja w czasie 27. Finału WOŚP, fot. Paweł Krupka

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