During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN

Working to Improve Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

2020-02-27 14:59:13


We keep working to support Polish children's and adolescent psychiatry. In addition to buying modern diagnostic and treatment equipment for hugely underfunded and struggling psychiatric wards in the country, our charity aims to take part in meaningful discussions with experts to try to find a long-running solution to the problems faced by this field of medicine. We support the organisation of an international conference: Challenges of child and adolescent psychiatry in Europe, which will take place on February 28th in Zielona Góra. 


The conference offers an opportunity to take part in lectures delivered by Polish and international experts in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry. One of the critical topics we aim to raise during this conference is the comparison of the way psychiatric care systems respond to the needs of children and adolescents across Europe. 

Among health professionals from Germany, Great Britain, France, and the Czech Republic taking part in the conference will be Dr Bernadka Dubicka, who chairs the child and adolescent faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Dr  Roland Burghardt, who is the head of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic at Frankfurt Oder, professor Michal Goetz, who is vice-chairman of IACAPAP. Jurek Owsiak, chairman of the Board of the GOCC, will also explain our charity's involvement in supporting psychiatric care in Poland. 


Our charity has bought equipment for over PLN 3 500 000 for Polish child and adolescent psychiatrists. We bought 1 308 pieces of equipment which were donated to 34 wards across the country. First of all, we focused on replacing old hospital furniture and bought the essentials - 798 hospital beds complete with beside cabinets and change of linen were donated to hospitals. We also bought 510 soft pouffes for treatment rooms and common areas. 

After extensive consultations with practising psychiatrists and experts in the field, we bought 190 sets pf psychological assessment tests, which allow doctors to diagnose children and adolescents and decide on an appropriate course of treatment. Tests, which are worth PLN 600 000, were donated to 37 psychiatric wards. We are in the process of buying additional assessment tools. 

It is important to note that even the most generous donations of high-class equipment cannot transform this failing branch of medicine. We want to address the matter comprehensively to seek long-term, effective solutions, which will ensure that all vulnerable children and adolescents will receive the help and support they require. That is why the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation, together with the Senate of the Republic of Poland, will host an expert debate, which will aim to find the solution to address the crisis in Polish psychiatric care. 


Marszałek Senatu RP prof. Tomasz Grodzki oraz Prezes Zarządu Fundacji Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy Jerzy Owsiak zapraszają na debatę

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