Number of registered Collection Centres for the 33rd Grand Finale:
1594 Sztaby
Peace Patrol
Grand Finale

Celebrating International Volunteer Day

2016-12-05 11:50:55

Today we are celebrating volunteers - the driving force behind our initiatives. We would like to thank everyone, who is involved in our activities: those of you who have been with us from the very start, 25 years ago and people who have just recently heard about the work we do only yesterday and decided to join in! We would like to celebrate people who come to our training sessions in Szadowo-Młyn and become members of the Peace Patrol, devoting their time and efforts to organizing Woodstock Festival Poland and those of you who light up cold winter days with your smiles during the annual Grand Finale fundraiser.

Whatever you choose to do - be it online service or providing CPR classes to children in your local primary school - we all come together to change the world for the better by improving the lives of others we also make a positive impact on our lives. Whatever the form of your voluntary service or the organization you decide to support, you can call yourself a positive force in this world. 

 If you are considering becoming a volunteer at the Grand Finale, this might be your call to action. Don't waste any more time and make sure that this holiday is yours as well! 


Fot. Grzegorz Adamek


Fot. Anna Migda




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