PLN 14 million for children's ophthalmology
On 5 December, we organized the 68th Open Tender dedicated to the aim of the 30th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, i.e. paediatric ophthalmology.
You can donate in aid of our Grand Finale fundraiser from the comfort of your home. There are plenty of secure online methods of donation.
The easiest and most popular method of payment is an online donation on our website. You can choose how much you donate and select your preferred payment method. It's easy and secure and takes less than 5 minutes to support the objective of the Grand Finale.
You can also donate via a direct bank transfer. You can give from a Polish bank account and make payment 29 1140 1010 0000 5244 4400 1028. If you have an account abroad, you should use a SWIFT code before the account number: BREXPLPWMBK PL 29 1140 1010 0000 5244 4400 1028.
Help us out without logging out of your Facebook account. You can find our Facebook fundraiser here. Facebook donations are sent to our account directly. Donating through the social media platform is easy and quick.
For those of you, who have a Polish phone number you can send an SMS to donate. Text "SERCE" to 75 565 to give PLN 5.
Each volunteer can create their own online Collection Box. Just like when donating to a volunteer, each donation is rewarded with a virtual heart. You can donate to your friend's Collection Box (ask them for their personalized link) or donate to the main eCollection Box.
On 5 December, we organized the 68th Open Tender dedicated to the aim of the 30th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, i.e. paediatric ophthalmology.
The registration of Collection Centres, i.e. hubs of volunteers organizing the Grand Finale events for their local community, is now over. Collection Centres will be actively participating in the 32nd Grand Finale fundraiser across Poland and in 101 locations around the world!
Less than 60 days before the 32nd Grand Finale fundraiser, the Collection Boxes were presented during a press conference. Just this year, there were 226,000 boxes produced.