During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
2024-01-27 15:42:24

How to support the 32nd GOCC Finale at home?

Nowadays, there are many ways to support GOCC, and most of it does not even require leaving home! So if the winter aura is not encouraging you to leave your home, here are some tips on how you can still support the 32nd GOCC Grand Finale.
2024-01-23 09:30:00

How can my company support the Grand Finale?

The 1,685 Collection Centres in Poland and abroad are in the final lap of the preparations for the Grand Finale events. It's your last chance to participate in the initiative! See how your company can support the 32nd Grand Finale fundraiser!
2023-03-31 14:35:00

Over PLN 240 million to fight sepsis

Today, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity summarized the 31st Grand Finale organized all around the world by the GOCC Collection Centres. The final result of the fundraiser summed up to PLN 243,259,389.25 (EUR 52,028,528.98).
2023-01-23 11:44:08

Become a virtual volunteer – set up your eCollection Box!

Anyone can become a GOCC volunteer, even without leaving their home! Haven't registered in time? Nothing's lost! You can still join the group of volunteers and collect money online thanks to eCollection Box powered by Mastercard.
2023-01-03 10:35:00

It's been 30 years since the 1st Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity!

Three decades went by in a flash! Although it’s 30 years since the first Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, we still remember how a spontaneous charity action turned into a fantastic worldwide initiative!
2022-12-29 16:40:00

A month left for the 31st Grand Finale!

We are counting down the days to the Grand Finale 2023! It is the final stage now!
2022-12-20 17:43:03

Stationary Collection Boxes – how to?

A Stationary Collection Box is a perfect solution for companies who wish to support the GOCC’s initiative by joining the 31st Grand Finale fundraiser at their premises. Whether you run a small, medium or a big company, you may all the same participate in the collection!
2022-12-20 17:20:00

You can support the 31st Grand Finale now!

We have been enhancing our electronic forms of support, so that helping during the Grand Finale is easy and simple! Apart from joining a Collection Centre and fundraising as a volunteer, there are other ways to aid the main objective of the 31st Grand Finale!
2022-11-09 17:12:14

Ambulance purchased by the GOCC sets off to Kharkiv!

Upon the request of the Kharkiv ambulance station, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation purchased a fully-equipped type B ambulance. The purchase of the ambulance and its equipment was made possible thanks to the generosity of the UPS Company and a tennis player Hubert Hurkacz.
2022-01-30 23:32:49

Declared amount of the 30th GOCC Finale

"How much money did the WOŚP Foundation raise during the 30th Finale?" - this is probably the question that a lot of people are asking themselves right now. However, the answer is not that simple.
2022-01-30 15:14:03

30th Finale – Ready, Steady, Go!!

The 30th Final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity started with the amount of 41 538 333 PLN! What does this amount consist of and what will the donations from this year's Finale be used for?

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