During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN

Over PLN 65 million to the children’s opthalmology

2022-11-30 21:05:00

Quality, not quantity – this is one of our Open Tender’s main objectives. Under the committee of experts, i.e. practising doctors from the country, and in a process of a structured procedure, we purchase the medical equipment for Polish hospitals. Open Tenders allow us to find not only high-quality, but also best suited devices according to the Polish hospitals’ requirements.


Jurek Owsiak at the 63rd Open Tender, photo: Łukasz Widziszowski


Open Tender is organised in line with clear and publicly available rules and regulations. There are three “entries” marking three stages of the procedure:

  • First entry focuses on the quality assessment. Experts review all the offers we received from the Bidders and consider all the pros and cons of each device.
  • Second entry is the time for all the companies to discuss their offers in detail. Bidders get the Chance to present their equipment and share more specifics regarding their parameters and functionalities.
  • Final entry includes individual meetings between the committee and the Bidders, during which the final conditions, including price details, are being discussed.


the 63rd Open Tender, photo: Łukasz Widziszowski


Hours long negotiations are now a permanent element of the Open Tender. Experts ask numerous questions about the offered equipment and test it, whenever possible. During the 63rd Open Tender 14 experts offered their help to support the Foundation:

  • dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Hautz (Warszawa)
  • dr hab. n. med. Mirosława Grałek (Łódź)
  • dr hab. n. med. Alina Bakunowicz-Łazarczyk (Białystok)
  • dr Krzysztof Cieślik (Warszawa)
  • dr n. med. Sławomir Cisiecki (Łódź)
  • dr Julia Dezor-Garus (Poznań)
  • dr hab. n. med. Erita Filipek (Katowice)
  • mgr inż. Marcin Gostyński (Warszawa)
  • dr Joanna Jędrzejczak-Młodziejewska (Warszawa)
  • dr n. med. Beata Kocyła-Karczmarewicz (Warszawa)
  • dr hab. n. med. Anna Niwald (Łódź)
  • dr n. med. Marta Pawlak (Poznań)
  • dr n. med. Anna Rogowska (Warszawa)
  • dr hab. n. med. Beata Urban (Białystok)


the 63rd Open Tender, photo: Łukasz Widziszowski


During the 63rd Open Tender the GOCC Foundation purchased 479 devices for 83 medical facilities in Poland for PLN 65,416,440:

  • 2 operating microscopes
  • 4 microscopes with OCT
  • 2 microscopes with OCT and 3D
  • 2 microscopes with OCT and 3D
  • 10 operating tables with operator's chair
  • 75 indirect ophthalmoscopes with lens without visual track
  • 9 indirect ophthalmoscopes with lens with visual track
  • 38 slit-lamp with tonometer and lens without visual track
  • 11 slit-lamp with tonometer and lens with visual track
  • 68 hand-held slit-lamps
  • 50 synoptophors
  • 9 micropulse lasers for cyclophotocoagulation
  • 7 micropulse lasers for retinal photocoagulation
  • 11 diode lasers for photocoagulation of the retina
  • 39 hand-held ERG units
  • 7 classic OCT angio devices
  • 11 full-field ERG units
  • 9 computer-assisted perimetry
  • 12 wide-angle funduscameras
  • 39 stationary autorefractors
  • 10 portable ultrasound scanners
  • 9 ultrasound scanners with UBM
  • 27 phoropter units
  • 5 ophthalmic surgery units
  • 13 angio OCT with angiography and fluorescein function with recumbent examination arm 


The purchase was possible thanks to the generosity of our community and donations made during the 30th Grand Finale fundraiser, when the charity raised PLN 224,376,706.35 to aid children’s ophthalmology.


The list of facilities where the equipment was delivered. 

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