Kwota deklarowana 33. Finału:
4 407 813 PLN
Grand Finale

Perform at the Grand Finale 2018!

2017-11-16 11:18:34

The Bank of Bands is now live! Traditionally we encourage performers to register their offer there so that local Collection Centres can browse through the offers and get in touch with performers to arrange their concerts. The main rule of the Bank of Bands is that the performers are not paid for their gigs - they decide to give up their fees in order to support the organizers of the event. 


Play at one of the Grand Finale concerts in a few easy steps: 

1. Register online;

2. Provide us with some vital details - what kind of music do you play, where are you based. 

3. Let us know how to get in touch with you - the best person to get in touch might be your manager. 

4. Upload some samples of your performance; 

5. After you completed your profile, Collection Centre can get in touch with you and invite you to lend your talents to the charitable efforts. 


fot. Grzegorz Adamek

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