During the 32nd Grand Finale we raised:
281879118,07 PLN
Grand Finale

See the light, what is the objective of the 30th WOSP Final

2022-01-29 20:47:38

Why are we playing for paediatric ophthalmology this year?

It is hard to imagine the Great Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity without colours - every year we are accompanied by a feast of colours, fanciful shapes and amazing graphic motifs, bringing to mind beautiful stained glass windows through which rays of winter sun fall. And what if not everyone can see them?

Every year in Poland, several thousand patients are treated in paediatric ophthalmology wards. In addition to deteriorating visual acuity, the most common problems with which young patients are brought to ophthalmology specialists are glaucoma, cataracts and various types of injuries, developmental anomalies and tumours. In 2019 alone, nearly 650 operations were carried out, of which more than 25% were tumour operations. Taking all this into account, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation decided to dedicate its jubilee - 30th Finale to the issues of paediatric ophthalmology.

First such Finale, but more sight-saving activities

Since 20 years WOŚP has been running the Programme for Prevention and Treatment of Retinopathy of Prematurely born children. Within this program 261 765 prematurely born children were examined and eyesight was saved in 11 088 of them. Additionally, the WOŚP Foundation equipped 21 specialised centres treating retinopathy of prematurity with the most modern laser equipment - laser photocoagulators.

What equipment will be purchased with the funds raised during the 30th Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity?

Ophthalmoscopes for examining the fundus, slit lamps for anterior segment diagnostics, tonometers for measuring intraocular pressure, synoptophores for measuring the angle of strabismus, OCT devices for non-invasive diagnostics of retinal diseases, or operating theatre equipment such as microscopes and operating tables - these are the devices that hospitals most often indicate as necessary for efficient diagnostics and treatment of small patients in the ophthalmology wards.

Additionally, the WOŚP Foundation is planning to purchase a biplanar angiograph - equipment used to treat the most common malignant tumour of the eyeball in children - retinoblastoma. The most modern and effective method, i.e. intravenous chemotherapy, is used for treatment.

Not only medical equipment

Ensuring the highest standards of diagnostics and treatment of children's eyesight means not only medical equipment, but also a qualified team. The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation plans to launch Poland's first ophthalmic surgery simulation centre. Thanks to the creation of the centre, surgical specialists will be able to increase their knowledge and train in the execution of appropriate movements and techniques of intraocular surgery.

Get your eyesight checked!

The Great Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is not only the holiday of helping, colourful fun and being together, but also the holiday of medicine. Every year on this special day we talk a lot about the importance of diagnostics, so take advantage of this moment and go for a test!

This year the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation, together with its partner opticians "Czas na wzrok" (Time for Sight), has invited optical shops to take part in a nationwide action of free vision screening for children. As part of the campaign, between 17 January and 28 February, the stores will perform free vision acuity tests for children and will donate glasses to the most needy families.

Check the list of salons participating in the eye test programme - HERE.

The partner of the action is the Essilor group (Essilor Polonia sp. z o.o.; JZO s.a.; JAI KUDO Polska sp. z o.o.).

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